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Over the years the Adventist Christian population grew in the Cayo District. With strong believe in Christian Education the Adventist Community decided to open a school to serve youths who in turn would be prepared to serve their church and community with integrity through Christian principles. Also the increase of student population was limiting the access of our youths to a higher education. Thereby the need to open a high school since a primary school was already in operation.

The start which was in September 1987, was a result of faith, sincere prayer and vision of the then District Pastor, Pastor Ellis Coe, the churches in the Cayo District, in collaboration with the Belize Conference of Seventh Day Adventist, the Administration and Staff of La Loma Luz Hospital who donated the land and Government of Belize through the Ministry of Education. Our loving God has worked through dedicated members of the church at home and abroad to contribute funds and labor.

Eden Seventh Day Adventist High School is a recognized institution of secondary education by the Ministry of Education in Belize. Here at Eden, principles of tolerance, integrity, honesty and fairness as well as the difference between right and wrong are taught. Students are helped to develop attitudes of order, thoroughness and speed in their work. These are characteristics that will make them citizens in demand at work in their future. They are led to become citizens of usefulness and service for God and man. Our objective then is that “the youth should be taught the importance of cultivating their physical, mental and moral powers, that they may not only reach the highest attainments in science, but through a knowledge of God, may be educated to glorify Him,” thus spreading the good news of a crucified, risen and soon coming Savior.

© 2007 Eden SDA High School, Santa Elena, Cayo, Belize, CA
Tel: (501) 824-2966. Fax: (501) 824-4479